Patina - Disney Hall - Downtown
You go to a nice restaurant that is known for the its' food preparation and you order an espresso or perhaps cappuccino. The server brings you the drink in a nice cup with a saucer and a hefty silver spoon. He sets down a silver bowl-thing with an assortment of sugars and its' substitutes. Things look good, unless you actually look at the drink (a cappuccino in this case). This is what you get:
Hot ass coffee, and I do mean HOT. That is wasn't still boiling was amazing.
About an inch to inch and a half of soap foam with no flavor at all...not surprising since it is mostly air.
Once the lava cooled and I could begin to drink I discovered little flavor or satisfaction.
Now if you have read any of my other posts you know that other than Choke and Coffee Intelligentsia this is the standard Los Angeles coffee experience. The thing I still cannot get over is that it happens at all these restaurants that focus so much attention on all these OTHER details. Again, maybe this is because the public does not demand more from them in terms of coffee, so they do not rise to meet anything but the lowest standard. To me this is something like going to one of the finer restaurants here in Los Angeles and they server your food with plastic utensils?!?
So I am not gonna bother with more than this for the review. They didn't, and neither am I.
Step up Los Angeles!
You are the kid who grows in size faster than the other kids and therefore appears to be an adult. However, underneath you are still an ignorant and uncultured child.
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